Animal in Me

We penguins are deceptively intelligent and bright;
Although we’re so smart, we avoid the spotlight.
Being incredibly cute we always look good,
But intellectually we are misunderstood.
We’re loyal and true to the family we’re given,
We form habits that make us consistent and driven.
Family is the first priority for this bird,
We’re witty and meticulous but not usually heard.
We are both outgoing and shy,
And while we are birds, we’re unable to fly.
We could not think of a better animal to be,
If you took time to know us, then you, too, would see.
Writing 1- I created a picture by being descriptive in this poem. I use words that would help the audience visualize the image while they read about my animal. If my readers did not know what animal I was trying to portray, they would be able to see it throughout the piece.
Writing 3- In order to make this peom better, I used steps while writing it and edited different parts at each step.
Language 1- I used proper English and grammer to make complete phraises. I also used correct wording so that each sentence makes sences when spoken and read.
Language 2- I capitalized the beginingof each line, punctuated correctly, and used accurate spelling to complete language standard 2.
Language 4- I was able to use personification throughout this poem to help my audience link my personality traits to those in a penguin. I described myself through the animal using words that connected us such as loyal and shy.